We have the capability with our line-up of equipment to be able to provide services to other producers in the area. We don't just do any of these services as custom acres, but as if they were our own. We want to provide the best possible outcome and return on their investment on their operation. We are licensed and insured to provide commercial applications of all products listed below.
Drainage Solutions
A crucial part of farming in the Red River Valley is having properly graded drains to provide the best surface drainage possible. Using some of the best technology in the industry, we can provide producers a high-quality ditching service on their farms to benefit their bottom line especially during events of excessive rains. We create a plan with producers prior to a project to make sure their objectives and goals are met. Click here to request more information.

Precision Mapping Solutions
There is such a great amount of information at grower's fingertips today and utilizing it to make decisions can be difficult; or accessing it to make better application decisions is time-consuming and sometimes cost-prohibited. For drainage solutions we offer LiDAR and RTK processing, for fertility and application use we offer zone creation and variable rate application maps. We can utilize grower's data along with satellite imagery to provide maps that will help a producer get the most out of their fields. Click here to request more information.
Row-Crop Planting
Planting a crop accurately has become such a crucial start to a great crop but with narrower weather windows, limited labor and capital, growers are working together to get their crops in the ground quicker. We plant with an Exact-Emerge (high speed) John Deere DB66 planter with capability to get across a greater number of acres quickly, and most importantly, accurately. Booking now for corn (limited), sunflower and soybean acres. Click here to request more information